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psychological Camino-Support-Group

Welcome to the Camino de Santiago Support Group! This group provides a safe and supportive space where we can collectively explore your individual themes and concerns related to the Camino de Santiago. The group will be actively facilitated by me to ensure that each concern can be appropriately addressed.


The support group meets once a week, and up to 10 people can register. There are three spots available for participants who would like to discuss a specific topic in the group, and seven additional spots for individuals who would like to listen and potentially contribute with ideas or their own experiences. The number of participants is limited to create an intimate and personal atmosphere.


Each group session lasts for 90 minutes, allowing 30 minutes per active participant to address their specific topic. If fewer than three active participants register, the group time will be adjusted accordingly. The group provides support and exchange, facilitates reflection and self-discovery, offers professional psychological guidance, and fosters a sense of community and connection.


Experience has shown that such support groups can be enriching for both those actively participating with a topic and those who listen and provide feedback. Feel free to try it out and sign up for a group here.

Details of the support group:


This support group offers a valuable opportunity to share your experiences on the Camino de Santiago, overcome challenges, and grow together. Let's come together to support each other and utilize the wisdom and insights of the Camino de Santiago to foster personal development and self-reflection.


Please note that prior registration is required to secure a spot in the support group. If you're interested or need further information, please don't hesitate to contact me or sign up directly here for a group. I look forward to welcoming you to the Camino de Santiago Support Group!