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Asynchronous (via video or messenger) counseling

Asynchronous counseling is an excellent opportunity to work together even more flexibly. Depending on the agreement, you send me an e-mail (max. 2 pages long) or a voice message (max. 15 minutes long) and I will respond to your request within a maximum of 48 hours (Monday to Friday) in writing or also via voice message. You will receive impulses and possible solutions for your problem. For the booking of the asynchronous consultation you can choose between different packages (for more information please click here).


Asynchronous counseling can take place in the context of an ongoing video counseling (between sessions) or independently of it. The latter tends to be more possible for narrowly defined topics. In the context of ongoing video counseling, asynchronous counseling can additionally provide helpful support during difficult phases.


Suitability of asynchronous online counseling:

  • Clearly defined topics / issues

  • No fixed appointment necessary

  • Immediate contact possible

You determine the medium. You can choose between an e-mail and/or messenger consultation with the Signal app (link to the app in the Apple App Store or google Playstore).