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Costs & packages



My prices are based on the recommendations of the fee regulation for psychotherapists (as of 2020) for a 50-minute therapy session.


Single session: 50 minutes: 109,29 EUR
Counseling packages:

3 sessions à 50 minutes: 305 EUR (7% saving)

5 sessions à 50 minutes: 492 EUR (10% saving)

10 sessions à 50 minutes: 928 EUR (15% saving)


Asynchronous counseling: 
3 voice or text messages/ Emails incl. Responses by me:100 € (33 € / message)
5 voice or text messages/ Emails incl. Responses by me:150 € (30 € / message)
8 voice or text messages/ Emails incl. Responses by me:224 € (28 € / message)


The payment of the calls takes place by bank transfer or stripe. The payment must be received at least 24h before the consultation appointment or be proven with a screenshot of the transfer made.